Marco Milanese's webpage


Sorbonne Université - LIP6

Boîte courrier 169

Couloir 25-26, Étage 3, Bureau 303

4 place Jussieu

75252 Paris, France

I am a PhD student in Computer Science at LIP6, Sorbonne University (Paris, France).

I’m interested in static software analysis. In particular, my research topic focuses on inference of under-approximations (specifically: sufficient pre-conditions) by abstract interpretation. Unlike conventional over-approximating abstract interpretation which is frequently employed for program verification, sufficient pre-conditions can be used to catch bugs and infer code contracts.

I’m a contributor to the MOPSA static analysis tool. MOPSA is a multi-language abstract interpreter written in OCaml developed at LIP6. MOPSA won the gold medal in the SoftwareSystems category at the SV-COMP24 competition for static analysis tools.


Jan 16, 2024 🗨️ I presented the paper Generation of Violation Witnesses by Under-Approximating Abstract Interpretation at VMCAI 24.
Dec 21, 2023 📝 The competition contribution of MOPSA at SV-COMP 24 is accepted.
Oct 22, 2023 🧑‍💼 I was a student volunteer at SAS 2023.
Oct 11, 2023 📝 The paper Generation of Violation Witnesses by Under-Approximating Abstract Interpretation is accepted at VMCAI 2024.
Apr 22, 2023 🧑‍💼 I was a student volunteer at ETAPS 2023.